Section Access Manager (SAM)

Section Access Manager (SAM) automatically controls Qlik data access
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Real-Time Section Access Generator

Data is our most valuable asset as it drives our decision and operational frameworks.

Data management is a Governance Risk Compliance requirement both from an access and exposure (privacy data) perspective. Data exposure at any point creates risk within the business and should be controlled by data owners.

Section Access Manager (SAM) is a unique, built for purpose, enterprise solution to automate and control Section Access within Qlik Applications. SAM keeps Section Access real-time with Qlik QMC API integration and SmartReload (No Data) and a configurable cache service cycle refresh time.

Qlik Section Access Manager

Qlik Application access is assigned on a Qlik Sense Stream/Workspace level and controlled by Qlik QMC stream level access which enables access to all data for all applications within the stream. SAM Automates Section Access at stream level by automatically applying a Section Access Script within each application enabling the control of which user actually has access to which application within the stream.

Qlik data authentication at user level is implemented via Section Access Management script within a Qlik Application. SAM provides a workflow for non-technical users to assign and control row-level data reductions and omissions for any controlled Qlik Application.

Section Access Manager for Qlik (SAM) is an automated Section Access product for Qlik Sense

Section Access Manager for Qlik (SAM) will automatically assign Section Access data security on an application level and provide a self-service interface for developers and business users to instantly assign Section Access to users/groups on an application.

Section Access Management (SAM)

Section Access Manager Governance Applicationi

Qlik Section Access Problem Statements

  1. Employee churn (52% per annum: 22% role changes, 30% on/off boarding
  2. User churn is constant and the coding of user access on/off boarding is dependent on technical skill and resource availability thus costly.
  3. Time delays to access/deny business intelligence insights (requests, support, approvals, work assignment, implementation, testing validations, publication, reload)
  4. Coded not NoCode and self-service
  5. Time consuming when on data level (Coded OMIT’s and Reductions per user)
  6. Manually created and controlled not automatically generated
  7. Data access audits are extremely time consuming and costly when not automated and system driven
  8. Audit requirements are detailed and should be transactional log based and thus not complicated to audit
  9. Those who control data access should not require technical skills
  10. Which apps are secure, and which are not?
  11. Which users have access to what data and since when?
  12. Are Qlik Section Access Standards adhered too?
  13. Do you need security on all applications, all the time, instantly?
  • Automated Real-Time API based Section Access generator for Qlik Sense
  • Automated across servers, streams, users, applications and data access management
  • Automated stream level security access management
  • Self-service No-Code Application and Data level security access management
  • Reverse engineers existing (Qlik Standard) Section Access or flags the Section Access for review (non-standard)
  • Instant user on/off-boarding to and from applications
  • Risk management through identification of applications with Section Access which are not controlled by SAM
  • Notifications to Application Owners when new users are provided access via QMC and users are automatically added to the Application user list or ready for Data level assignments restricted, till assigned.
  • Application Owner on-boarding automation with notifications to selected Administrators
Core Solution Features
  • Application Owner and Administrator on-boarding request processing
  • Multiple servers, streams, users, application automation
  • Real-Time view of all Section Access applications, status, owner, details, notifications, alerts and exception alerts
  • Exception View on all SA exceptions
  • Governance Application Qlik Sense iFrame solution thus SAM Software can be accessed from Qlik Hub directly via the Governance Application.
  • Governance Application Audit log
Product Integrations
Integrated Value Add: Qlik
License Requirements: SAM

Section Access for Qlik Sense Licenses

  • Amount of applications actively managed by Section Access Manager for Qlik Sense

Qlik Section Access Manager Demo

Qlik Section Access Podcasts

0:00 / 0:00
John Sands Interview

We Love problem statements!

  • We are facing a lot of employee churn which leads to a lot of section access requirements leading to access delays, errors and technical skills
  • Section Access coding is complex to control manually especially on row-level data access authentication
  • We need to ensure section access code implemented according to Qlik standards and working and assured thus not dependent on developer validation procedures
  • We need business users to control the access to the business data instantly
  • We need to instantly apply section access to all our applications and control access in Real-Time
  • We need Section Access real time management with notifications, compliance exceptions to manage data Governance Risk and Compliance requirements
  • We need to know exactly who has access to which applications and which data
Please enter your problem statements below and send them to us for a formal response: